TISS Master Degree Entrance Exam Model Question Papers | Tata Institute of Social Sciences Master Degree Entrance Exam Model Question Papers
Marks: 15
1. In the set of 5 figures below which four are of the same type?

A) D, E, B, A (B) C, B, A, E
(C) A, D, C, E (D) B, C, A, D
2. Below is a series, which of the options provided will continue the series?

3. Which pattern can be folded to make the cube shown in the figure below?

4. Monu was cooking on a gas stove.His cylinder exhausted at the end of the 7th minute, and he finished cooking in the 18th minute by shifting to a kersone stove immediately. He can finish cooking in 14 minutes on a gas stove. How much time will he take to cook on a kerosene stove?
(A) 20 minutes (B) 14 minutes
(C) 16 minutes (D) 22 minutes
5. A container of mixed juice contains 1/3rd of orange juice, 20 ml of water and 40 ml of sweet lime (Mausambi) juice. What is the total volume of the mixed juice?
(A) 120ml (B) 90ml
(C) 80ml (D) 150ml
6. An article brings half the cost price as profit. What is its selling price?
(A) 2 times the profit (B) 4 times the profit
(C) 3 times the profit (D) Cannot be found
7. A 2 digit number when divided by 5 leaves a remainder 3. If the number is a prime number, what is the possible number?
(A) 18 (B) 33
(C) 73 (D) 93
8. The syllabus for Maths, Chemistry and Physics exams include 12, 13 and 12 chapters respectively. The Chemistry syllabus was reduced so that the average chapters per subject was 12. By how many chapters was the Chemistry syllabus reduced?
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
9. ABCD is a parallelogram with one of its angles equal to 900. Its diagonal is 10cm and one of its sides is equal to 8cm. What is the length of the other side in this parallelogram?
(A) 6 cm (B) 8 cm
(C) 4 cm (D) 10 cm
10. Choose the option that logically continues the series
30. 37, 49, 73, 109, ____
(A) 157 (B) 133
(C) 121 (D) 145
11. Below are two statements are followed by two possible inferences. Choose the correct option.
Statements: All students stay in the hostel. Some of the students are intelligent. So,
Inferences: A Every student is intelligent.
B All the intelligent students stay in the hostel.
(A) Only inference A follows (B) Only inference B follows
(C) Both inference A and B follow (D) Neither inference A nor B follows
For Questions 12-15: Two friends A and M, working in a company, get an equal salary
of Rs 20,000 per month. Given below is the salary utilisation of both A and M in a

12. What percentage of their salary do A and M spend on electricity respectively?
(A) 5% & 25 % (B) 15% & 20%
(C) 20% & 15% (D) 25% & 15%
13. By what percentage are A’s savings less than that of M?
(A) 25% B) 66.66%
(C) 40% (D) 20%
14. M cuts down the shopping expenses to zero for a particular month and saves that money. What will be the percentage savings of M for that particular month?
(A) 20% (B) 25%
(C) 30% (D) 40%
15. A reduces transportation expenditure to Rs. 2000 to save money. Which of the following must hold TRUE?
(A) The percentage decrease in transportation expenditure of A is 25%.
(B) A’s salary has been reduced to Rs. 18000.
(C) A’s savings now become equal to M’s savings.
(D) A has sold the car.
Marks: 15
Marks: 20
For Questions 16-20: Please read the passage below and answer the questions that follow Towards the end of the 17th century, the British East India Company exported Indian fabrics to other countries. According to a French traveller of the 17th century, “the Indian cotton fabrics clothed everyone – from Cape of Good Hope to China, man and woman, from head to foot”. Before the introduction of mechanised spinning in the early 19th century, all Indian cottons and silks were only hand woven. Preserved in museums around the world, are samples of Indian handmade fabrics, including that found in the ruins of Mohenjodaro. But many expressions of this traditional skill – Sambalpuri of Orissa, Jamdhani of West Bengal, Leheria of Gujarat, Paithan of Maharashtra, Ikkat of Andhra Pradesh and the triple-ply silks of Kancheepuram (Tamil Nadu) – are vibrantly alive today. Though every state is home to a range of unique fabrics in hundreds of designs, colours and textures, Indian fabrics constitute less than 2 per cent of the world textile trade.
16. The Indian fabrics referred to in the passage are …
(A) All hand woven / hand made
(B) Usually made of silk and cotton
(C) All of antique value
(D) All of the above
17. The expression ‘fabrics clothed everyone … from head to toe’ appears in the passage. This refers to …
(A) Clothes which fit well.
(B) A cloth that can completely cover a person’s body
(C) Clothing made for all parts of the body.
(D) None of the above.
18. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) India, even today, makes hand woven fabrics.
(B) India stopped making hand woven fabrics in the early19th century.
(C) Kancheepuram is famous for Leheria fabrics.
(D) French travellers exported Indian fabrics in the 17th century
19. From the passage one can infer that…
(A) In the 17th century, a lot of French people visited India.
(B) At some point in history, Indian fabrics were popular across the world.
(C) Indian fabrics have not been able to keep up with the changes in international
(D) If not for the British, Indian fabrics would never have been exported to other
20. According to the author, which of the following is a reason for the low percentage
contribution of Indian fabrics to world textile trade?
(A) Indian fabrics do not have much variety in terms of colour and texture.
(B) Indian fabrics are mostly handmade and hence not up to international standards.
(C) Both a and b
(D) None of the above
For Questions 21 and 22: Choose the most appropriate option to fill the blank in the
21. I have ______________ her name for the post.
(A) recommended (B) commended
(C) demonstrated (D) distressed
22. Due to delayed monsoons, prices of vegetables have risen ________. This has made
certain vegetables unaffordable to the common man.
(A) immediately (B) exponentially
(C) eventfully (D) simultaneously
23. Choose the option so that each pair of words is related in the similar manner.
Poem : Sculpture :: Pen : _____
(A) Chisel (B) Tool
(C) Sculptor (D) Rock
For Questions 24 and 25: Choose the most appropriate option of two words, to fill the
two blanks in the sentences.
24. She received a standing ______ for her _____ performance.
(A) ovation … dull (B) claps … immense
(C) provocation … deliberate (D) ovation … enchanting
25. I am ______ to ______ home.
(A) going … go (B) planning … rush
(C) seeing … buy (D) run … going
For Questions 26, 27 and 28: Choose the option that contains a grammatically incorrect sentence.
26. (A) Wild flowers often grow around the well near to the temple.
(B) Wild flowers often growing around the well near the temple.
(C) Wild flowers often growing around the well near to the temple.
(D) Wild flowers often grow around the well near the temple.
27. (A) Why he is talking rudely always?
(B) Why does he always talk rudely?
(C) Why does he always talk so rude?
(D) Why he is talking rudely always?
28. (A) Did you remember to take the keys?
(B) Did you remember taking the keys?
(C) Do you remembered taking the keys?
(D) Do you remember to take up the keys?
For Questions 29 and 30: Given are sets of sentences. They need to be arranged in a
sequence to form a coherent paragraph. Pick the option which gives the best sequence.
29. A Raag expresses the structure of the melody.
B Taal concerns itself with rhythm.
C There are more than 200 such Raags in Hindustani classical music.
D Raag and Taal are the fundamental elements of Hindustani classical music.
30. A However, all of these have made the greatest impact in the last century.
B Throughout this expansion, new technologies have been integrated into the mainstream.
C Since its development, roughly 10,000 years ago, agriculture has expanded
vastly in geographical coverage and yield.
D Agricultural practices such as irrigation, crop rotation, fertilizers, and pesticides were also developed over the centuries.
For Questions 31 and 32: Choose the word that is different from the remaining words.
31. (A) Relation (B) Characteristic
(C) Trait (D) Attribute
32. (A) Sympathy (B) Empathy
(C) Apathy (D) Understanding
33. Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the words/phrases that is highlighted in the sentence.
This shopkeeper goes an extra mile to ensure that customers get the benefits of all special schemes.
(A) does more than expected
(B) shies away from physical labour
(C) makes no effort
(D) None of the above
34. Read the paragraph and select the option that best captures the essence of the paragraph. The earliest forms of pottery discovered in the Indus valley date back to around 5000BC. These are similar to baskets in shape and most of the designs on these vessels are identical to woven motifs on earlier baskets. These decorative motifs were not just for ornamentation, but definitely had some ritual significance.
(A) Indus valley had designs similar to woven motifs on everything including its pottery and these had ritual significance.
(B) The pottery in the Indus valley had ritual significance.
(C) The earliest forms of pottery in the Indus valley had a basket shape and designs similar to woven motifs having ritual significance.
(D) Indus valley’s earliest pottery was made around 5000BC and was of basket shape which was of ritual significance.
35. Choose the option that best replaces the highlighted part in the sentence.
The budget for this project being low has become an issue for the director.
(A) The budget for this project being low (B) The project’s budget being low
(C) The project’s low budget (D) This low budget project
Marks: 15
36. Which of the following rivers is called the sorrow of Bihar?
(A) Gandaki (B) Kosi
(C) Bramhaputra (D) Mahananda
37. UNESCO is a United Nations agency. UNESCO stands for ________________.
(A) United Nations Environmental, Social and Cultural Organisation
(B) United Nations Ecological, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
(C) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
(D) United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organisation
38. Which of the following has never held the position of the Chief Justice of India?
(A) V. N. Khare (B) Y. K. Sabharwal
(C) R. C. Lahoti (D) R. S. Sarkaria
39. In his book, “On the origin of species”, Charles Darwin proposed that all species had evolved through a process of ______________.
(A) Divine creation (B) Coincidental breeding
(C) Natural selection (D) Natural diversification
40. A mammal named “Dolly” was the first mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult cell. Dolly was a _______.
(A) Lab mouse (B) Chimpanzee
(C) Orangutan (D) Sheep
41. Who out of the following, never visited the Indian subcontinent?
(A) Hsüan-tsang from China (B) Queen Victoria of United Kingdom
(C) Alexander the Great of Macedon (D) Ghengis Khan of Mongolia
42. As of the year 2009, which of the following words appear in the preamble to the Constitution of India?
(A) Empire (B) Socialist
(C) Welfare state (D) Both B and C
43. ______________ is the highest wind energy producing state in the country.
(A) Rajasthan (B) Maharashtra
(C) Tamil Nadu (D) None of the above.
44. India Gate is located at _____________ while the Gateway of India is located at
(A) Mumbai, Agra (B) Mumbai, New Delhi
(C) New Delhi, Mumbai (D) New Delhi, Khyber Pass
45. India’s GDP growth during the financial year 2008-09 was ____________.
(A) 8.1% – 9% (B) 7.1% – 8%
(C) 6.1% – 7% (D) 5.1% – 6%
46. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is ____________.
(A) a programme for universalisation of educational content in all primary schools.
(B) a programme for ensuring that everyone irrespective of age or gender has access to education.
(C) a programme for universalisation of elementary education.
(D) Both A and C.
47. The 2016 Olympic Games are scheduled to be held in ____________.
(A) Chicago (B) Rio de Janeiro
(C) Madrid (D) Tokyo
48. What was the name of the organization founded and run by Mother Teresa?
(A) Sisters of Loreto (B) Sisters of Charity
(C) Loreto Convent (D) Missionaries of Charity
49. 28) Ramon Magsaysay – after whom the Magsaysay awards are named – belonged to _______________.
(A) United States of America (B) People’s Republic of China
(C) Republic of the Philippines (D) Republic of India
50. Which, out of the following civil services fall under the category of All India Services?
(A) Indian Administrative Service (B) Indian Police Service
(C) Indian Forest Service (D) All of the above
Download TISS Master Degree Entrance Exam Question Papers
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Marks: 15
1. In the set of 5 figures below which four are of the same type?
A) D, E, B, A (B) C, B, A, E
(C) A, D, C, E (D) B, C, A, D
2. Below is a series, which of the options provided will continue the series?
3. Which pattern can be folded to make the cube shown in the figure below?
4. Monu was cooking on a gas stove.His cylinder exhausted at the end of the 7th minute, and he finished cooking in the 18th minute by shifting to a kersone stove immediately. He can finish cooking in 14 minutes on a gas stove. How much time will he take to cook on a kerosene stove?
(A) 20 minutes (B) 14 minutes
(C) 16 minutes (D) 22 minutes
5. A container of mixed juice contains 1/3rd of orange juice, 20 ml of water and 40 ml of sweet lime (Mausambi) juice. What is the total volume of the mixed juice?
(A) 120ml (B) 90ml
(C) 80ml (D) 150ml
6. An article brings half the cost price as profit. What is its selling price?
(A) 2 times the profit (B) 4 times the profit
(C) 3 times the profit (D) Cannot be found
7. A 2 digit number when divided by 5 leaves a remainder 3. If the number is a prime number, what is the possible number?
(A) 18 (B) 33
(C) 73 (D) 93
8. The syllabus for Maths, Chemistry and Physics exams include 12, 13 and 12 chapters respectively. The Chemistry syllabus was reduced so that the average chapters per subject was 12. By how many chapters was the Chemistry syllabus reduced?
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
9. ABCD is a parallelogram with one of its angles equal to 900. Its diagonal is 10cm and one of its sides is equal to 8cm. What is the length of the other side in this parallelogram?
(A) 6 cm (B) 8 cm
(C) 4 cm (D) 10 cm
10. Choose the option that logically continues the series
30. 37, 49, 73, 109, ____
(A) 157 (B) 133
(C) 121 (D) 145
11. Below are two statements are followed by two possible inferences. Choose the correct option.
Statements: All students stay in the hostel. Some of the students are intelligent. So,
Inferences: A Every student is intelligent.
B All the intelligent students stay in the hostel.
(A) Only inference A follows (B) Only inference B follows
(C) Both inference A and B follow (D) Neither inference A nor B follows
For Questions 12-15: Two friends A and M, working in a company, get an equal salary
of Rs 20,000 per month. Given below is the salary utilisation of both A and M in a
12. What percentage of their salary do A and M spend on electricity respectively?
(A) 5% & 25 % (B) 15% & 20%
(C) 20% & 15% (D) 25% & 15%
13. By what percentage are A’s savings less than that of M?
(A) 25% B) 66.66%
(C) 40% (D) 20%
14. M cuts down the shopping expenses to zero for a particular month and saves that money. What will be the percentage savings of M for that particular month?
(A) 20% (B) 25%
(C) 30% (D) 40%
15. A reduces transportation expenditure to Rs. 2000 to save money. Which of the following must hold TRUE?
(A) The percentage decrease in transportation expenditure of A is 25%.
(B) A’s salary has been reduced to Rs. 18000.
(C) A’s savings now become equal to M’s savings.
(D) A has sold the car.
Marks: 15
Marks: 20
For Questions 16-20: Please read the passage below and answer the questions that follow Towards the end of the 17th century, the British East India Company exported Indian fabrics to other countries. According to a French traveller of the 17th century, “the Indian cotton fabrics clothed everyone – from Cape of Good Hope to China, man and woman, from head to foot”. Before the introduction of mechanised spinning in the early 19th century, all Indian cottons and silks were only hand woven. Preserved in museums around the world, are samples of Indian handmade fabrics, including that found in the ruins of Mohenjodaro. But many expressions of this traditional skill – Sambalpuri of Orissa, Jamdhani of West Bengal, Leheria of Gujarat, Paithan of Maharashtra, Ikkat of Andhra Pradesh and the triple-ply silks of Kancheepuram (Tamil Nadu) – are vibrantly alive today. Though every state is home to a range of unique fabrics in hundreds of designs, colours and textures, Indian fabrics constitute less than 2 per cent of the world textile trade.
16. The Indian fabrics referred to in the passage are …
(A) All hand woven / hand made
(B) Usually made of silk and cotton
(C) All of antique value
(D) All of the above
17. The expression ‘fabrics clothed everyone … from head to toe’ appears in the passage. This refers to …
(A) Clothes which fit well.
(B) A cloth that can completely cover a person’s body
(C) Clothing made for all parts of the body.
(D) None of the above.
18. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) India, even today, makes hand woven fabrics.
(B) India stopped making hand woven fabrics in the early19th century.
(C) Kancheepuram is famous for Leheria fabrics.
(D) French travellers exported Indian fabrics in the 17th century
19. From the passage one can infer that…
(A) In the 17th century, a lot of French people visited India.
(B) At some point in history, Indian fabrics were popular across the world.
(C) Indian fabrics have not been able to keep up with the changes in international
(D) If not for the British, Indian fabrics would never have been exported to other
20. According to the author, which of the following is a reason for the low percentage
contribution of Indian fabrics to world textile trade?
(A) Indian fabrics do not have much variety in terms of colour and texture.
(B) Indian fabrics are mostly handmade and hence not up to international standards.
(C) Both a and b
(D) None of the above
For Questions 21 and 22: Choose the most appropriate option to fill the blank in the
21. I have ______________ her name for the post.
(A) recommended (B) commended
(C) demonstrated (D) distressed
22. Due to delayed monsoons, prices of vegetables have risen ________. This has made
certain vegetables unaffordable to the common man.
(A) immediately (B) exponentially
(C) eventfully (D) simultaneously
23. Choose the option so that each pair of words is related in the similar manner.
Poem : Sculpture :: Pen : _____
(A) Chisel (B) Tool
(C) Sculptor (D) Rock
For Questions 24 and 25: Choose the most appropriate option of two words, to fill the
two blanks in the sentences.
24. She received a standing ______ for her _____ performance.
(A) ovation … dull (B) claps … immense
(C) provocation … deliberate (D) ovation … enchanting
25. I am ______ to ______ home.
(A) going … go (B) planning … rush
(C) seeing … buy (D) run … going
For Questions 26, 27 and 28: Choose the option that contains a grammatically incorrect sentence.
26. (A) Wild flowers often grow around the well near to the temple.
(B) Wild flowers often growing around the well near the temple.
(C) Wild flowers often growing around the well near to the temple.
(D) Wild flowers often grow around the well near the temple.
27. (A) Why he is talking rudely always?
(B) Why does he always talk rudely?
(C) Why does he always talk so rude?
(D) Why he is talking rudely always?
28. (A) Did you remember to take the keys?
(B) Did you remember taking the keys?
(C) Do you remembered taking the keys?
(D) Do you remember to take up the keys?
For Questions 29 and 30: Given are sets of sentences. They need to be arranged in a
sequence to form a coherent paragraph. Pick the option which gives the best sequence.
29. A Raag expresses the structure of the melody.
B Taal concerns itself with rhythm.
C There are more than 200 such Raags in Hindustani classical music.
D Raag and Taal are the fundamental elements of Hindustani classical music.
30. A However, all of these have made the greatest impact in the last century.
B Throughout this expansion, new technologies have been integrated into the mainstream.
C Since its development, roughly 10,000 years ago, agriculture has expanded
vastly in geographical coverage and yield.
D Agricultural practices such as irrigation, crop rotation, fertilizers, and pesticides were also developed over the centuries.
For Questions 31 and 32: Choose the word that is different from the remaining words.
31. (A) Relation (B) Characteristic
(C) Trait (D) Attribute
32. (A) Sympathy (B) Empathy
(C) Apathy (D) Understanding
33. Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the words/phrases that is highlighted in the sentence.
This shopkeeper goes an extra mile to ensure that customers get the benefits of all special schemes.
(A) does more than expected
(B) shies away from physical labour
(C) makes no effort
(D) None of the above
34. Read the paragraph and select the option that best captures the essence of the paragraph. The earliest forms of pottery discovered in the Indus valley date back to around 5000BC. These are similar to baskets in shape and most of the designs on these vessels are identical to woven motifs on earlier baskets. These decorative motifs were not just for ornamentation, but definitely had some ritual significance.
(A) Indus valley had designs similar to woven motifs on everything including its pottery and these had ritual significance.
(B) The pottery in the Indus valley had ritual significance.
(C) The earliest forms of pottery in the Indus valley had a basket shape and designs similar to woven motifs having ritual significance.
(D) Indus valley’s earliest pottery was made around 5000BC and was of basket shape which was of ritual significance.
35. Choose the option that best replaces the highlighted part in the sentence.
The budget for this project being low has become an issue for the director.
(A) The budget for this project being low (B) The project’s budget being low
(C) The project’s low budget (D) This low budget project
Marks: 15
36. Which of the following rivers is called the sorrow of Bihar?
(A) Gandaki (B) Kosi
(C) Bramhaputra (D) Mahananda
37. UNESCO is a United Nations agency. UNESCO stands for ________________.
(A) United Nations Environmental, Social and Cultural Organisation
(B) United Nations Ecological, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
(C) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
(D) United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organisation
38. Which of the following has never held the position of the Chief Justice of India?
(A) V. N. Khare (B) Y. K. Sabharwal
(C) R. C. Lahoti (D) R. S. Sarkaria
39. In his book, “On the origin of species”, Charles Darwin proposed that all species had evolved through a process of ______________.
(A) Divine creation (B) Coincidental breeding
(C) Natural selection (D) Natural diversification
40. A mammal named “Dolly” was the first mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult cell. Dolly was a _______.
(A) Lab mouse (B) Chimpanzee
(C) Orangutan (D) Sheep
41. Who out of the following, never visited the Indian subcontinent?
(A) Hsüan-tsang from China (B) Queen Victoria of United Kingdom
(C) Alexander the Great of Macedon (D) Ghengis Khan of Mongolia
42. As of the year 2009, which of the following words appear in the preamble to the Constitution of India?
(A) Empire (B) Socialist
(C) Welfare state (D) Both B and C
43. ______________ is the highest wind energy producing state in the country.
(A) Rajasthan (B) Maharashtra
(C) Tamil Nadu (D) None of the above.
44. India Gate is located at _____________ while the Gateway of India is located at
(A) Mumbai, Agra (B) Mumbai, New Delhi
(C) New Delhi, Mumbai (D) New Delhi, Khyber Pass
45. India’s GDP growth during the financial year 2008-09 was ____________.
(A) 8.1% – 9% (B) 7.1% – 8%
(C) 6.1% – 7% (D) 5.1% – 6%
46. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is ____________.
(A) a programme for universalisation of educational content in all primary schools.
(B) a programme for ensuring that everyone irrespective of age or gender has access to education.
(C) a programme for universalisation of elementary education.
(D) Both A and C.
47. The 2016 Olympic Games are scheduled to be held in ____________.
(A) Chicago (B) Rio de Janeiro
(C) Madrid (D) Tokyo
48. What was the name of the organization founded and run by Mother Teresa?
(A) Sisters of Loreto (B) Sisters of Charity
(C) Loreto Convent (D) Missionaries of Charity
49. 28) Ramon Magsaysay – after whom the Magsaysay awards are named – belonged to _______________.
(A) United States of America (B) People’s Republic of China
(C) Republic of the Philippines (D) Republic of India
50. Which, out of the following civil services fall under the category of All India Services?
(A) Indian Administrative Service (B) Indian Police Service
(C) Indian Forest Service (D) All of the above
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